We’ve all seen photos that have gone viral. Among my favorites are the ones of the painted sidewalks that are three-dimensional – so detailed they look real, don’t they? Amazing, right? Or the magnificent nature shots of locations that most of us have never been to before.
Here are some tips to help your photos become potential viral content:
Consider who your audience is in your photo. Think about whether this is a photo taken for fun or whether it is more serious and more appropriate to be shared with business colleagues rather than friends. What will they appreciate and want to pass along to friends and colleagues? Knowing your audience will help you decide where you will share your images.
Is it a humorous photo of an animal or person doing something unusual, or a funny sign that has more than one meaning? Or is it something so magnificently beautiful people can’t wait to share it? Think: why is this photo different from others we have seen before?
Think about how you compose the photo. Is the composition compelling, sharp, has depth and contrast or is the soft focus with muted tones? Whatever you decide, make sure the quality and resolution are the best it can be as it will become a reflection of you and the work you do.
Consider image orientation; portrait images have a higher probability of going viral than squared images which are more likely to be viral than landscapes. Then again Instagram is a square orientation so consider the channel and where you will distribute the image.